Collection: Jewellery Workshops and Courses
Walk into a welcoming atmosphere where hands-on skills are developed in an informal and relaxed way. Our workshops are a great way to learn about the basics of jewellery making whilst allowing you to pursue further classes, projects, or personal development at a later stage.
We focus mainly on Recycling and Up-cycling. So bring any old, unused silver or gold jewellery, cutlery, or coins and we'll work with you through the process of designing and making some unique pieces. Our workshops cater for 1-4 people and are available in the following different packages:
One-Day Workshop
Our one-day workshops are a great chance to get an insight into how we do what we do. We'll work with you to design and create up to two unique pieces. From basic ring formation to the use of a piercing saw, you will get to grips with a variety of tools and leave with the satisfaction of having created something with your own hands.
During the day tea, coffee and fruit juices will be available as desired and a light lunch will be served.
Duration from 9:30am to 4pm. Prices only £220 per person including refreshments, but not including the cost of precious metals.
Master Class Workshops
Our Master Class Workshops enables you to design, develop and create up to four unique jewellery pieces, under careful and attentive guidance and instruction. We are open to suggestions as to what you want to make during your workshop: examples include designing, annealing, soldering, beating, stone-setting, metal textiling, piercing (cutting), wax-carving for basic casting processes, finishing and polishing, all spread over two days.
During the day tea, coffee and fruit juices will be available as desired and a light lunch will be served.
Held over two days from 9:30am to 4pm. Prices £410per person including refreshments, but not including the cost of precious metals.
10 Lesson jewellery making courses
This course is a basic introduction to the many processes used within the craft of Jewellery: including design, annealing, soldering, beating, stone-setting, metal textiling, piercing (cutting), wax-carving for basic casting processes, finishing and polishing. During this course you will develop your skills, ideas and creativity through the use of a variety of hand tools within the workshop space. Here you will learn basic jewellery construction making simple pieces and learning new skills as you go, whilst bringing your own personal touch to your designs. You will learn such processes as marking metal through hammering and imprinting by the use of a rolling mill as a decorative technique, and other processes. Projects will be set during each course by your tutor Ady, allowing you to take into consideration texture, colour and form.
Tea, coffee or fruit juice are offered for your refreshment as required.
Evening courses last for two-and-a-half hours starting from 5-7pm and finishing at 7:30pm to 9:30pm, daytime courses starting from 11-12pm and finishing from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.
Ten lesson course £620 per person, including refreshments, but not including the cost of precious metals. Discounts apply to group bookings.
Thornhill Workshops are very popular and do require some organisation prior to the event, so please book well in advance (we suggest one month) to ensure we can cater for you. Workshops are run from Monday to Friday (inclusive). Please use the form below to make an inquiry.