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When Day Meets Night


This design is inspired by two spacial days in a year. When day and night has exactly the same length. Spring equinox happens around 20 March (also known as the vernal equinox), and, for autumn, around 20 September.  The precise timings vary slightly year to year.In the UK, Stonehenge is the most famous meeting point for druids and pagans, who gather annually to watch dawn break.


Why Buy From Us

We firmly believe in recycling and re-using materials. The materials we use mostly consist of old, unused coins and vintage silver cutlery, but we even have some more unusual pieces, for example, our cufflinks that are made from inner watch mechanisms, shotgun cartridges and bullets, rings made out of wing flap bearings from the Hercules Aircraft and Damascus steel made form old lawn mower blades. All of our work is handmade! Some of the more detailed pieces, such as our Tree Of Life designs can take up to six hours to complete. It's a good job we enjoy what we do!


To some degree we can personalise all our jewellery. If you have specific requirements, please contact us via email,
When Day Meets Night